My name is Claus Kogsbøll. Growing up I loved to draw and to write, and I was often the kid trying to control the stories of the games I played with my friends – sometimes to their obvious annoyance. After high school I looked for a place to develop my creative skills further, and ended up moving to Odense to study visual storytelling, animation and games design at the Centre for Visual Communication at Odense Technical College.
I then moved back to Copenhagen and was hired by Krogh Mortensen Animation as a CG artist and animator.
Alongside my work I have studied storytelling and script writing at The Short and Documentary Film School and at The European Cross Media Academy. Today I work more intensely as a Director and Story/Concept Developer on both commercials, infomercials and longer format films as well as on interactive productions.

Directing combines all the disciplines that I love and that fascinates me, and it gives me the opportunity to work on all the aspects of a production.
I have directed game trailers, infomercials, commercials, TV series pilots and episodes and even an interactive theatre play.
Clients include Lego, The Coca Cola company, Olympus, Maersk,, Science North and the Danish science center Experimentariet.

Writing has always been a big passion of mine. Professionally I have written content and dialogue for TV idents, infomercials, TV series pilots and tablet games. I have written for clients like Maersk, Nickelodeon, and Leo Pharma.
I have studied writing at the Short and Documentary Film School, and I have participated as a story world writer at the European Cross Media Academy at the National Film School of Denmark.

Film and TV
As a CG artist and supervisor I have worked on everything from commercials, music videos and TV series to feature films and computer games. I have experience with both live action integration and full CG productions. The job includes budgeting and planning both big and small scale productions as well as leading our team of artists and outsourcing partners both technically and creatively from pre-production to final delivery.